Predator-Prey Arms Race
Predator-Prey Arms Race
Predator-Prey Arms Race
Predator-Prey Arms Race
The Team
The Core Team
I am broadly interested in how interactions at different levels of biological organization drive the evolutionary process, from epistasis between loci within a genome, to social interactions among individuals in a population, to coevolutionary arm-races between species in a community. My work focuses on natural populations and field studies of selection and inheritance in taxa ranging from snakes to insects to flowers.
Edmund "Butch" Brodie III

BFD Runk Professor
Director of Mountain Lake
Biological Station
I am a Ph.D. student in the Biology Department, co-advised by Mandy Gibson and Butch Brodie. I received my B.A. in Biology from Davidson College in 2020. I joined the lab in the fall of 2022, and I am interested in how coevolution between arthropods and their gut microbiomes influences habitat choice.
Erin Scott

PhD Student
I am the lab technician for the Brodie lab. I help in managing and creating databases that the lab uses, as well as assist in executing and creating lab protocols. I love analyzing big data sets and employing modern data science techniques onto ecological data. I enjoy learning about ecology and animal behavior.
Savanna Cabrera

Lab Manager
Text goes Here
Madi Stessman
PhD Student
I am a behavioral ecologist interested in the evolution of social behaviors. I have studied cooperative vigilance in meerkats and coordinated feeding behavior in fruit flies, and I look forward to exploring the social behavior of forked fungus beetles in the field next summer.
Clara Stahlmann Roeder

PhD Candidate
I am interested in how species interactions influence evolutionary change. I am particularly interested in behavioral ecology, and look forward to developing a project involving the social behavior of Forked Fungus Beetles!
Charlotte Greene

PhD Candidate
I am a PhD student interested in behavioral ecology, specifically the dynamics of group living. My work focuses on understanding how aggregation formation is driven and maintained, and I am investigating my research questions in the terrestrial isopod species Porcellio laevis.
Madison Karram

PhD Student
Past Members
PhD 2024
Now works as a postdoc in Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
PhD 2022
Educational Consultant at Carnegie Mellon
Postdoc 2020 to 2022
Now works as a postdoc in the Warner Lab in Auburn University.
Liza Mitchem
PhD 2021
Data Analyst at Syngenta
Robin Costello
PhD 2020
Postdoc in the Ballen lab in Auburn University
PhD 2018
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Cooper lab at the University of Montana
Lab Manager 2018
Now works as a business analyst at Silverchair
Lab Manager 2012
Now works as a Lab Manager for Formica lab in Swarthmore College
PhD 2016
Postdoctoral researcher at the Oakley lab at Purdue University
PhD (2015)
Assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh
PhD 2015
Undergraduate advisor at UC Berkley
Postdoc 2012
Professor at Swathmore College
Still works with the Brodie Lab!
Postdoc 2012
Associate Professor at Virginia Tech
MS 2012
Program Associate for the Computing Community Consortium
PhD 2011
Associate Professor at Salisbury University
MS 2010
Field Application Scientist Regional Manager at Bio-Rad Labs
PhD 2007
Associate Professor of Biology and Biology Department Chair at Stonehill College
Postdoc 2006
Associate Professor at University of Rhode Island
Postdoc 2005
Curator at the Museum of Natural History Fribourg
PhD 2006
Associate Director of Science Companion Projects at UChicago.
PhD 2004
Professor at the University of Idaho
PhD 2004
Associate professor, chair of the division of natural sciences, and chair of the biology department at Kansas Wesleyan University
Yoni Brandt​
PhD 2004
PhD 2003
Distinguished Professor at the University of Toronto
PhD 2002
Researcher and Lab Coordinator in the Emlen lab at the University of Montana
​PhD 2002
Naturalist at the Ginzbarg Nature Discovery Center
PhD 1999
Professor and Chair of the biology department at Viterbo University
PhD 1998
Professor at the University of Bath
Chris Grill​
PhD 1998